Fishing stories. We've all heard them. "It was this big." "You should have seen the one that got away." People love to tell stories of their fishing adventures! When it comes to faith, however, most people clam up. Why is it we can't talk about what God has done in our lives as naturally as we can spin fishing tales?
June 4th: We were all fish once.
Jesus said to his first disciples and to anyone who followed him, “If you follow me, I will make you fishers of men.” Sometimes that idea gets misconstrued. But Jesus made it pretty simple. You have a story and your story is the perfect fit for someone who is looking for life!
June 11th: Why Fish?
Jesus told us that He came to seek and save the lost and He gave us a clear command and a great commission to fish for people. Sharing the gospel, sharing your story, and pointing people to Jesus is exactly what Jesus invited us into. He said it’s the most important thing we can do with our lives.
June 18th: Fish Guts
We often feel inadequate or intimidated to fish for people. We may think we don’t know enough or we don’t have the right words or we don’t want to offend anyone. Jesus doesn’t expect us to know everything. He just wants us to share something of what he has done for us. He wants us to be prepared, bold, and respectful when we fish for people.
June 25th: Fishing Buddies
We often fish for people alone or with people who are just like us. We may think we don’t need anyone else or we don’t want anyone else. Jesus fished for people with a team of diverse and imperfect people. He wants us to fish for people with others who can complement our strengths and weaknesses. He wants us to fish for people who are different from us and need his grace. Join a team of fellow fishermen who can support you and challenge you. Seek out people who are different from you and show them God’s love. Celebrate the diversity and unity of God’s family.
July 2nd: Muddy Water
We often fish for people in the same places and with the same methods. We may think we know where the fish are or how to catch them. Jesus fished for people in unexpected places and with unconventional methods. He wants us to fish for people wherever he leads us and however he inspires us. He wants us to be flexible, creative, and adventurous when we fish for people. Go where God sends you and do what God shows you. Try new places and new methods of fishing for people. Be open, curious, and fun when you fish for people.
July 9th: The One Who Got Away
We often get discouraged or disappointed when we fish for people. We may think we failed or we wasted our time or we lost our chance. Jesus cares more about the one who got away than the ninety-nine who stayed. He wants us to keep fishing for people no matter what. He wants us to rejoice over every person who comes back to him. Don’t give up on anyone who got away from God or from you. Keep fishing for them with love, patience, and persistence. Celebrate every person who returns to God or to you.