Summer is the season of relaxation and beach trips; of staycations and vacations. What if it’s also a season of deep, meaningful connection with others? Of discovery and intentionality? Starting Point is an 8-week conversational small group environment where you can explore faith and experience community. Whether you’re wondering about God, giving church a second chance, or already following Jesus, Starting Point is a terrific place to begin here at Crossroads. Starting Point is a casual group setting where you can discuss your doubts and explore the trickiest topics of faith, free from pressure and judgment. We are holding it right here at the Westminster Campus from 11:00am -12:15pm beginning June 25th and ending August 13th.
You can register for our Summer Starting Point class by filling out this form Submit Form We can’t wait to see what life-change this Summer has in store for you!
Email Corbin at if you have any questions.”