Why did you decide to change the online service?

Great question! We are going to use summer of 2023 to try out a unique Online Church experience. We know that watching the service online is always a little different than being in person, and we want to make that experience the very best we can! We want to find ways that translate to the variety of phones, computers, and tablets people watch our service on each week. We think you are going to love it. We believe the quality of the sound and the video will be more consistent, all three campuses will be represented, and it will actually be easier in the long run on our teams to do this on a weekly basis.

Will the service ever go back to a complete stream of the Westminster Service?

We will never say never, but we believe that the online service should be a good representation of us as ONE church. However we accomplish that, we will work to represent each Crossroads location well and celebrate what God is doing across our church. We have lots of ideas about ways to mix things up in the months to come! Whatever we do, our goal is to portray Crossroads in such a way that people who find us online feel welcome and that the Crossroads Online service is separate and distinct from our in-person experience. It’s also a great option for those who normally attend in-person but find themselves unable to.

I miss the full worship set! What should I do?

So glad you liked our online service! We noticed that for many people the longer worship set didn’t translate to the fast-past online environment. We are going to try out a shorter worship experience for these weeks — but more intentionally designed to help you engage online, whether that’s on a phone, a tablet, or your TV! If you are local to a Crossroads location in Maryland, we would love to have you for our whole worship experience — anyone is welcomed— in person or online!

I see the service times have changed. Are these changes permanent? Is there a chance you add other times?

The service times for Crossroads Online are now “live” at 10am (previously 930 and 11). We made those changes to facilitate some of the updates we made to our process to capture the service. We also think that maaaaybe…. Summer time means sleeping in a little later?? We may add other times, we will evaluate based on numbers.

Will the Church Online service platforms change (Facebook, Church Online, etc.)?

No, but we are adding another platform! We will be live on Sundays at 10:00 from our website and also on Facebook, and we are adding YouTube with live chat with our online staff. Additionally, you will be able to access the full service on YouTube channel.

I attend church online but would like to receive communion from an Elder or Deacon of the church. Is there a way to arrange that?

If you live in Carroll County MD, the chances are we could! We are hoping to provide an opportunity for in-person communion for shut-ins and those unable to attend. Please reach out to us at info@crossroads140.com if you’re interested.

Who leads the online service? How can I get in touch with them?

Crossroads Online is led by an amazing team that has been meeting for the last couple years and much of what you see is the result of their efforts! We have our amazing Chat Team, Crossroads Online production team, and more! Justin Combs will continue to provide Service Programming direction for the Online Campus. Kevin Syes, a part of our Pastoral Team, oversees Crossroads Online. If you want to reach out, you can contact Kevin S at ksyes@crossroads140.com

Why are we putting all these resources into an online service? Shouldn’t people come in person? Wasn’t it OK before?

The truth is that today, our online service is now the front door to the ministry. Before someone ever sets foot in one of our locations, they are often checking us out (lurking??!) online for some time. That’s OK, we totally understand — finding a church family isn’t a small thing. We just want people to have GREAT experience the first time they join us — because everyone is welcome!

I love Crossroads Online. I’ve been attending for a while. I’d love to be a part of it! Can I join the Chat Team? Are there other ways to serve?

Absolutely! As the ministry grows, we are going to have new needs for people to jump into the Chat Team! We like to think of the Chat Hosts as the life of our online party each week. Jump in by emailing Justin! to ——BLANK——- website. If you’re local, we would also love to have you jump into our production team that makes the Crossroads Online magic happen! Camera Team, Online producers, Sound engineers… are all possibilities. We also have internships for those interested in learning more! Please fill out this interest form and we’ll be in touch!

I go to a Crossroads Campus, why don’t we have a complete livestream of my campus?

So glad you are a part of the ONE church we call Crossroads! We believe that one way we can communicate that we are ONE church is by being united in ONE service online. That’s why we have worked hard to represent church-wide announcements on all of our Crossroads Online services, for example. Also, one of the best parts of a multi-site church is how we can share resources. For us, multi-site church is a picture of good stewardship of the limited resources we are given to pursue God’s kingdom work.

I often attend Crossroads Online, who is my pastor?

We want every person who attends Crossroads Online to feel like they’ve found a church home. In short, all of the Pastors at Crossroads help lead and shepherd our online church community.
If you are looking to connect with a pastor, and you are local to the Baltimore area, that is pretty easy! The pastor of the campus closest to you would be happy to serve you. If you are out of town, contact ksyes@crossroads140.com .

Why do we stream out of the Westminster Campus?

When we thought about the strategy for growing as a church, we realized Westminster was the most central of our campus locations.

Why isn’t my Campus Pastor Online more? Why can’t I find their sermons?

We are working to find ways to highlight all of our gifted communicators. One exciting thing about having multiple locations is the opportunity to grow new communicators and hear different voices. We are working on some creative ways to address this, stay tuned!

I have a hard time finding the Crossroads Online service later in the week. Where can I find it?

The services will be: on Facebook (as it has been—kinda have to dig for it!), available to stream ALL WEEK at Crossroads140.com, and also on YouTube.

I thought the Online Campus was growing. Why do we need to do more?

It is! We have seen significant increases in numbers for Crossroads Online, and that’s why we want to invest in the service. We believe that Crossroads Online is a unique opportunity to reach more people than we ever have. It’s perhaps our most important tool for evangelism today, and we invite you to share the service with someone!